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Ask Dave Palumbo #8 (The Truth According to Palumbo)

by Dave Palumbo
Online Editor, Muscular Development; NPC Top Amateur Bodybuilder; Producer, Director, and Star of Reconstruction of a Bodybuilder

Nothing in this article is intended to take the place of advice from a licensed health professional. Consult a physician before taking any medication.

Plasma Expanders and Osmotic Diuretics

Dear Dave,

I have a couple of questions. It seems that everyone is talking about plasma expanders and osmotic diuretics. I have read up on Hetastarch as well as albumin .I don't get it. What is the mechanism by which it works? It seems to me that if you want to shove all excess water into your bloodstream, then Mannitol should do the trick by itself. Why take both of them? It seems like a redundancy. How long does Mannitol have an effect, can it be used to counteract water retention from androgens, and can it be taken intramuscularly?

Plasma expanders work by pulling fluid out of the subcutaneous compartment (under the skin) and into the bloodstream (giving a "dry" yet very pumped and vascular look) due to the increased volume in the blood). Mannitol acts like a diuretic when injected (either SC, IM, or IV), not a blood volume expander. Large chain carbohydrates like Hetastarch (Hespan®), and Dextran (Gentran®, Macrodex®), when infused IV act as volume expanders by drawing fluid into the blood stream (as do all carbohydrates). They are unique in that they cannot escape from the intravascular compartment (i.e. bloodstream); therefore, all the fluid stays in the blood vessels, Albumin, on the other hand, when infused IV also pulls fluid (osmotically-- i.e. fluid moves from a low protein gradient, under the skin, to a high protein gradient, in the blood vessels). The problem with albumin (as opposed to large chain carbs is that albumin never leaves the blood and keeps pulling fluid leading to a possible permanent increase in blood pressure whereas, the HESPAN OR DEXTRAN will break down after about 6 hours and will leave the vessels thus releasing the trapped fluid too.

DMSO as a Transdermal Carrier

Dave,  I've heard of an ointment called DMSO. Do you know about it? Some people say that you can mix steroids (Dianabol, Anapolon) with it and then put it on the skin and it works better than the oral version. What do you know about it?

DMSO is a solvent that is a great anti-inflamatory when applied to the "hurting" area. It also has the unique ability to drive substances into the bloodstream through the skin (acting as if the skin were not even there-- truly quite amazing). The problems arise when you consider how easy it is to also have contaminants and bacteria enter the bloodstream if the skin is not cleaned properly before applying the DMSO. The only steroids that would benefit from mixing with DMSO and then applying to the skin would be trenbolone acetate (because as most of us know, the only form of trenbolone acetate, aka Finajet, left on the market is found in Finaplix which is a pellet that animal feed people inject with a high pressure air gun into cows to "beef" them up). Many people crush these pellets, mix them with DMSO, and apply it to the skin for absorption. I don't reccommend you try it though. Its a lot of work for very little response.

Serostim and Bateriostatic Water

I have Serostim growth hormone by Serono. I was told that the 18 IUs were only good for 24 hours after mixing with the diluent. If I were to mix it with bacteriostatic water, would it last longer? If not, how can I use it (4 IUs a day?) without wasting it?

I have been asked this question a number of times now, and although I've said otherwise in the past, I talked to one of the researchers at Serono and they informed me that since their "use-patent" for growth hormone is to increase nitrogen balance (and thus increase lean muscle tissue) in AIDS patients, they must put the warning on the label "to be used within 24 hours" due to the possible build-up of bacteria in the Serostim® vials. As you know, any introduction of bacteria in the body of a patient with AIDS (i.e. someone with a compromised immune system), could be deadly. As an "immune intact" individual, you can probably safely use each 18 IU vial of Serostim® for up to 7 days without loss of potency. NOTE: The level of bacteria has nothing to do with the potency of the GH.

Antibiotics and Muscle Growth

The following is my diet plan on an average day. I am 6'1 252lbs. I take Minocycline for acne.

The "goulash" is comprised of noodles , spaghetti sauce and lean ground beef and I drink my protein with water.

9:00 am -- 1 bowl of goulash 40 grams of Whey
11:30am -- 1 bowl of goulash 60 grams of whey
2:00pm -- Double Steakburger (Plain) 40 grams of whey
4:00pm -- Double Steakburger (Plain)
4:30pm -- 40grams of whey


6:00pm -- 1bowl of goulash 60 grams of whey
8:30pm -- 1/2-3/4 bowl of mashed potatoes 60 grams of whey
11:30 -- 60 grams of whey
1:00 -- another 60 grams of whey if i'm still up

How does this look to you?

The minocycline inhibits protein synthesis. That is how it stops the bacteria in your "acne lesions" from growing and it also inhibits you from getting bigger. Get off the antibiotics (minocycline). Instead, take Accutane for a few months (you can get it prescribed from your dermatologist) if your acne is really bad. As far as the diet is concerned, you need to eat some carbs with all those steak meals if you are looking to get bigger (your fat and protein amounts seem more than adequate).

Scar Tissue and Active Release

While benching heavy yesterday, I felt a slight strain almost like a pull in my left pec. I did 445 x 5reps, then was doing some back off work at 405 when it happened. I racked the weight and quit my chest workout. It hurt slightly through the night and I iced it immediately after I did it and thru the night. It is slightly more sore than normal today. I have felt more stress on the left side for about a year. I came off a 1.5 gram/week cycle about one month ago, and have only done one cycle in the last year. I have been lifting heavy almost weekly since my junior year in high school. I'm now 24. I had backed off to benching only once every nine days and this improved both my strength and recovery. My ultimate goal is to bench 600, but I would also like to be pretty big as well. I did not tear it, but I have heard from others this is something that happens sometimes before people tear their pec. What should I do?

You have to be smart. Don't increase your weights too fast. A powerlifter friend of mine told me to tell you, "wear a bench shirt if you decide to bench over 450." My question to you is, "Are you a powerlifter or bodybuilder? " You need to pick one (you can't do both). 

Your pec is no longer torn. What you are feeling is the scar tissue that has built up there (you feel it pulling and breaking apart every time your lift). You would benefit from active release techniques (ART) therapy to break up the scar tissue (it is much more precise than massage). Contact Dr. Leahy in Colorado Springs for more information on ART.